Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to set a cronjob in Linux:-

How to set a cronjob in Linux:-


#ls –lh /backup ---- Show the backup folder permission in details

#crontab –l ------ Show the cron job list

#crontab –e ------- add any cron job through this command

#df –h ----- Show the partition details in linux

#smbclient //Network IP/data –U ******%******* ----- -- Access the windows shared system from Linux machine

#ls /mnt -------Show the list of mount directory in your system

#mkdir /mnt/databkp/ ------- Create a folder in mnt directory which you have to want mount in

#ls /mnt/databkp/

#mount –t cifs -0 username=********,password=******** //Network IP/data /mnt/databkp

------------------------Mount the new backup folder with windows share system

To set a cron job

Copy this command & paste it in #crontab –e

Command is:-

cp /backup/backup_file_name ‘date +%d-%m-%y’.sql /mnt/databkp